Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen lives in Helsinki with her family. She graduated from the department of painting in Turku Art Academy (FI) in 2001 and got her Master´s degree from Aalto University (FI) in 2013. She studied painting also at the Cuban State Arts Academy José J. Tejada in Santiago de Cuba in 1997-1998. From 2002 to 2014 Väyrynen lived in Spain where she got interested in landscape motive and ecological, social and philosophical significations of the environment. Alongside making art, she has been extensive appreciator of nature, different cultures, languages and narratives of perveiving the world since young age. In 2020 Väyrynen started studies of Anthropology in the Helsinki Open University.

Recurrently Väyrynen explores human relationship with nature and the world in her artistic praxis. Väyrynen approaches environment as a process, as an embodiment of cultural and societal values, yet subordinate to globalisation, pollution and technology.  Väyrynen departs from painting. Nevertheless, she understands painting closely related to space, time and research. She is intrigued searching possibilities for painting, form or material wise. She is also keen exploring questions like, what human need painting might meet or as what kind of tool, it could be used in today´s society? Combining painting with other methods, she creates installations, which take their final form in an exhibition space.







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Featured artwork

Mirimari Väyrynen, ErosionPainting installation; floor covered with oil color paintings, 16 x 5 m, 2020. Photo Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen, ErosionExhibition view, detail; the paintings are exposed to erosion as audience walk on them. 16 x 5 m, 2020. Photo Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen, ErosionDetail; melted oil color painting on painted floor, 30 x 110 x 20 cm, 2020. Photo Mirimar Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen, ErosionDetail; light tubes and melted oil color painting, 20 x 100 x 150 cm, 2020. Photo Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen, ErosionDetail; glass plate on stand and a book of anthropology (A Green History of the world), 80 x 120 x 5 cm, 2020. Photo Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen, ErosionDetail; glass plate on stand, a book of anthropology, light tube and a computer, 180 x 350 x 500 cm, 2020. Photo Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen, Segment AB and genii lociExhibition view, floor covered with white wooden boards, oil color painting and led screen, 8,5 x 7,6 m, 2017. Photo Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen, Segment AB and genii lociDetail, oil color painting and led screen, 8,5 x 7,6 m, 2017. Photo Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen, Segment AB and genii lociDetail, oil color painting, led screens and wooden structure, 4 x 5 m, 2017. Photo Mirimari Väyrynen

Mirimari Väyrynen, Segment AB and genii lociExhibition view, oil color painting, led screens, wooden structure and floor covered with wooden boards,4 x 7 m, 2017. Photo Mirimari Väyrynen

Curriculum Vitae

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