– Agent between art professionals and contemporary Finnish Painters


Alina Sinivaara, Arena, 2020. Photo: Sonja Suominen.
Tuomo Laakso, RGB, 2023.
Iisa Maaranen, Wandering Mind II, 2023. Photo: Hanna Råst.
Anna Retulainen, Plum tree, it’s already dark in the evening, 2021.
Elina Autio, Untitled, 2019. Photo: Rauno Träskelin.
Kimi Pakarinen, Kind of Blue, 2024.
Elina Försti, Gable, 2019.
Elina Ruohonen, Joy, Complexity and Diversity, Hurry up!, 2021.
Elsa Salonen, Study of Eternal Cycle. Photo: Jere Salonen.
Essi Kuokkanen, Going Through Changes, 2022. Photo: Eetu Huhtala.
Eveliina Hämäläinen, Muistuma, 2023. Photo: Anna Autio.
Hanna Kanto, Lingon Berries and Needles, 2023.
Haruka Kashima, Piece of Earth, 2023. Photo: Jussi Tiainen.
Heikki Marila, Flowers LXXXII, 2020. Photo: Angel Gil.
Hemmo Siponen, Drying Room, 2021. Photo: Lotta Pasila
Henna Jula, Dusk to Dusk, 2022.
Henni Kitti, Worldview, 2022.
J-P Köykkä, How to Kill a Tree, 2021.
Jarmo Mäkilä, EUROPA, 2014. Photo: Jouko Vatanen.
Jenni Yppärilä, Gardener´s cottage, 2021.
Joel Slotte, A grave in the allotment garden, 2020.
Juha Vanonen, Glow Stick, 2022.
Jukka Korkeila, From Under the Bridge There is a Short Passage to Heaven or Walk Through Rainbow, 2020. Photo: Donald H. Unter Ecker.
Vilma Määttänen, Light Cycle from The Moving castle III, 2021.
Viggo Wallensköld, Winter, 2008.
Tiina Mielonen, Lawn, 2016.
Teemu Mäki, Klara, Helmer and Assar (The children of my elder sister Jaana Edlund, with their dog), 2008.

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