Roy Aurinko
Roy Aurinko’s large-scale, abstract paintings incorporate elements of drawing, and are created using a mixed-media technique combining oil, acrylic, pastel and cement. Likening his practice to a “jazz improvisation,” Aurinko rarely prepares his compositions with sketches, instead allowing themes and ideas to move from one painting to another. The work process and the feel of the material are present in Aurinko’s works, which invite the viewer to explore their relationship with the surrounding world.
Often channelling childhood memories, Aurinko’s works aestheticise this subject, evoking emotions ranging from nostalgia to environmental responsibility. He draws from varied sources of inspiration, with literary and art historical references such as Greek Mythology and the concept of the Sublime hidden in his abstract compositions.
Roy Aurinko has exhibited artworks in numerous group and solo exhibits across Europe and the United States. His works are currently held within significant private and public collections, including the Finnish National Gallery and Lahti Museum of Visual Arts Malva.
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Rocky RoadsRoy Aurinko, Rocky Roads, mixed media on canvas, 180 cm x 140 cm x 4 cm ,2022. Photo: Roy Aurinko.

Limits to GrowthRoy Aurinko, Limits to Growth, mixed media on canvas, 170 cm x 220 cm x 4 cm ,2021–2022. Photo: Tiina Rekola.

Natural BordersRoy Aurinko, Natural Borders, mixed media on canvas, 200 cm x 215 cm x 3 cm ,2022. Photo: Roy Aurinko.

Beach DayRoy Aurinko, Beach Day, mixed media on canvas, 170 cm x 140 cm x 4 cm ,2022. Photo: Roy Aurinko.

Exhibition viewRoy Aurinko, Exhibition view, gallery Huuto, Helsinki, 2021. Photo: Anna Autio.

Exhibition viewRoy Aurinko, Exhibition view, Gallery Huuto, Helsinki, 2021. Photo: Anna Autio.

Low Hanging FruitsRoy Aurinko, Low Hanging Fruits, mixed media on canvas, 195 cm x 246 cm x 4 cm ,2022. Photo: Roy Aurinko.

Rear MirrorRoy Aurinko, Rear Mirror, mixed media on canvas, 165 cm x 130 cm x 4 cm ,2021. Photo: Anna Autio.

StudioRoy Aurinko, Studio, Hevossaari, Heinola, 2022. Photo: Roy Aurinko.