Taru Happonen

Taru Happonen

Taru Happonen (b. 1989, Lahti) is a Helsinki-based visual artist working with paintings, sculptures, and drawings. She graduated with a Master’s degree in 2023 from the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of the Arts Helsinki.

In her works, Happonen examines the environment and organisms from both microscopic proximity and cosmic scales. Natural sciences and science fiction have influenced her works. The expression bears figurative elements that partially disintegrate into abstraction. Patterns found in nature at various scales are recurring elements in the works. She employs a wide range of materials in her artworks, including oil paint, recycled plastic, mineral resin, epoxy, linen, metal, and pearlescent pigments. Organic and synthetic elements are intricately intertwined.

Her artworks speak of the significance of wonder, viewing the world as complex and constantly changing. The various patterns, forms, and materials in her works create links between each other – highlighting the unity of life, continuity, and the deep layers of time.





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Featured artwork

HormesisTaru Happonen, Hormesis, oil on recycled plastic, 74 cm x 62 cm x 2 cm ,2022. Photo: Taru Happonen.

Taxidermy surfaces 1Taru Happonen, Taxidermy surfaces 1, Mineral resin, iridescent pigment, acrylic, metal, 52 cm x 40 cm x 4 cm ,2024. Photo: Taru Happonen.

Mother of pearlTaru Happonen, Mother of pearl, Mineral resin, acrylic paint, epoxy, pearlescent pigment, metal, 125 cm x 105 cm x 62 cm ,2023. Photo: Taru Happonen.

CrypsisTaru Happonen, Crypsis, oil and gesso on linen, 180 cm x 140 cm x 4 cm ,2022. Photo: Taru Happonen.

HoneyTaru Happonen, Honey, Mineral resin, acrylic paint, epoxy, 9 cm x 103 cm x 93 cm ,2023. Photo: Taru Happonen.

Algae lugnTaru Happonen, Algae lugn, Mineral resin, acrylic paint, epoxy, pearlescent pigment, metal, 28 cm x 98 cm x 36 cm ,2023. Photo: Taru Happonen.

SensoryTaru Happonen, Sensory, oil on recycled plastic, 74 cm x 62 cm x 2 cm ,2022. Photo: Taru Happonen.

Ice-capped butterflyTaru Happonen, Ice-capped butterfly, oil and pearlescent pigment on linen, frames made of recycled plastic, 76 cm x 63 cm x 4 cm ,2022. Photo: Taru Happonen.

Electric currentTaru Happonen, Electric current, oil on linen, frames made of recycled plastic, 76 cm x 63 cm x 4 cm ,2022. Photo: Taru Happonen.

Taru Happonen, An invasive speciesPainting installation. Exhibited in the group exhibition Ebb and Flow at Kuva/Tila gallery at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki. Photo: Aukusti Heinonen

Taru Happonen, An invasive species (detail)Painting installation. Exhibited in the group exhibition Ebb and Flow at Kuva/Tila gallery at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki.

Taru Happonen , An invasive species (detail)Painting installation. Exhibited in the group exhibition Ebb and Flow at Kuva/Tila gallery at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki.

Curriculum Vitae

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