Rose-Mari Torpo
Rose-Mari Torpo’s painting gives relevance to images that emerge from inwardness. Originating from a free and gestural approach, her abstract compositions investigate movement, rhythm, layering and spaces created by the colour. Although it is the result of an assiduous experimentation with different colours and materials, her work offers itself with great immediacy. Torpo creates fluid compositions giving the impression of continuous movement, which in turn is a metaphor that stands for incessant research. The artist experiments with different media, ranging from canvas, paper, polyester to readymade found materials and paints them with spray paints, acrylic colours or inks.
For the latest cycle of artwork, she worked with iridescent materials capable of reflecting light. In this way the appearance of the work itself changes with the changing of the observer’s point of view. These peculiar materials add further dynamism to a composition already characterised by delicate iridescent effects. Sometimes similar to atmospheric dust, in other cases fluid, in others even more solid and congealed, Torpo’s painting dwells on basic issues such as the combination of colour, line and form. Its structural indeterminacy corresponds to an emotional work that remains consciously suspended and changeable, beyond the figuration.
Rose-Mari Torpo is a Helsinki based visual artist and painter. She graduated as B.A. from Turku Arts Academy in 2016 and earlier in 2003 from Free Art School, Helsinki, majoring in painting. She has been working as a painter and taken part in various solo and collective exhibitions in Finland and abroad.
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Blueberry FingersRose-Mari Torpo, Blueberry Fingers, Mixed media on canvas, 70 cm x 70 cm x 2 cm ,2021. Photo: Marko Mäkinen.

tm-galleryRose-Mari Torpo, tm-gallery, Exhibition view, - cm x - cm x 2 cm ,2022. Photo: Marko Mäkinen.

tm-galleryRose-Mari Torpo, tm-gallery, Exhibition view, - cm x - cm x 2 cm ,2022. Photo: Marko Mäkinen.

Confusion of StarsRose-Mari Torpo, Confusion of Stars, Mixed media on canvas, 140 cm x 110 cm x 2 cm ,2021. Photo: Rose-Mari Torpo.

PrismRose-Mari Torpo, Prism, Mixed media on canvas and polyester, 42 cm x 42 cm x 2 cm ,2021. Photo: Marko Mäkinen.

NarcisoRose-Mari Torpo, Narciso, Mixed media on canvas and polyester, 140 cm x 110 cm x 2 cm ,2021. Photo: Marko Mäkinen.

IndigoRose-Mari Torpo, Indigo, Mixed media on canvas, 45 cm x 45 cm x 2 cm ,2021. Photo: Marko Mäkinen.

EchoRose-Mari Torpo, Echo, Mixed media on canvas and polyester, 145 cm x 140 cm x 2 cm ,2021. Photo: Marko Mäkinen.

Strange Light #2Rose-Mari Torpo, Strange Light #2, Mixed media on canvas and polyester, 140 cm x 115 cm x 2 cm ,2021. Photo: Rose-Mari Torpo.