Emmi Partio

Juha Vanonen

Juha Vanonen is a Helsinki based visual artist. He paints airy abstract works that mix spontaneous and well- thought-out painting. In the paintings, the areas of color and lines are in motion or floating on the canvas. They search for forms, but avoid presenting anything recognizable. It is interesting how even small gestures can bring tension to a painting. Sketches and editing them with an image processing program is part of the process. The modifications can be seen in the works as sharply intersecting lines or as a paint mark imitating a colored pencil. The exact reproduction of abstract sketches on the canvas creates a sense of meaning in the work, where being beyond logic and some kind of reasoning alternate. 





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Featured artwork

CrossingJuha Vanonen, Crossing, Acrylic on cotton, 139 cm x 126 cm x 4 cm ,2022. Photo: Juha Vanonen.

New WaveJuha Vanonen, New Wave, Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas, 48 cm x 36 cm x 3 cm ,2024. Photo: Juha Vanonen.

Untitled (2205)Juha Vanonen, Untitled (2205), Acrylic and spray paint on cotton, 86 cm x 72 cm x 4 cm ,2022. Photo: Juha Vanonen.

Untitled (113)Juha Vanonen, Untitled (113), Acrylic on cotton, 135 cm x 120 cm x 4 cm ,2021. Photo: Juha Vanonen.

DropJuha Vanonen, Drop, Acrylic and spray paint on cotton, 180 cm x 135 cm x 4 cm ,2021. Photo: Juha Vanonen.

Glow StickJuha Vanonen, Glow Stick, Acrylic on cotton, 135 cm x 107 cm x 4 cm ,2022. Photo: Juha Vanonen.

Untitled (7)Juha Vanonen, Untitled (7), Acrylic and spray paint on cotton, 173 cm x 130 cm x 4 cm ,2020. Photo: Juha Vanonen.

Studying Letter S with SaimaJuha Vanonen, Studying Letter S with Saima, Acrylic on cotton, 220 cm x 165 cm x 4 cm ,2020. Photo: Juha Vanonen.

DiveJuha Vanonen, Dive, Acrylic and spray paint on cotton, 180 cm x 150 cm x 4 cm ,2021. Photo: Juha Vanonen.

Curriculum Vitae

Download CV (.pdf)