Anna Tuori
How much of the internal world of others are you able to see? These themes are intertwined with our mind’s habit of filling the gaps and seeking and identifying forms. Some of the shapes in Tuori’s paintings are entirely abstract, while others are subtly suggestive and therefore recognizable.
In Anna Tuori’s work, the safe becomes a stranger and a strange home. Tuori won the Young Artist of the Year Award in 2011 and received the William Thuring Title Award in 2015. Her works are in numerous public and private collections. Tuori’s works have been seen at the Sydney Biennale, Busan Museum of Art, Korea, the Kiel Art Museum in Germany, and the Sara Hildén Art Museum in Finland, among others.
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Anna Tuori, TEMPTATION OF FABULOUS FIGURE AND HIGHLY MOURNFUL EYESAcrylic, pastel and oil on canvas, 110 cm × 100 cm, 2018.

Anna Tuori, WITH RESPECT TO COMMON SENSE IIOil on canvas, 150 cm × 160 cm, 2019.

Anna Tuori, Window | Ikkuna | FönsterExhibition view at Galerie Anhava, 2020. Photo: Jussi Tiainen.

Anna Tuori, Window | Ikkuna | FönsterExhibition view at Galerie Anhava, 2020. Photo: Jussi Tiainen.

Anna Tuori, Not Even Past (Incarnat with Golden Shell)Acrylic and oil on canvas, 160cm x 150 cm, 2020.

Anna Tuori, Entirely Personal Matter (Hooker´s Green Lake Deep)Acrylic, oil pastel and oil on canvas, 110 cm x 100 cm, 2019.

Helen & ByronAnna Tuori, Helen & Byron, oil and acrylic's on canvas, 130 cm cm x 130 cm cm ,2022. Photo: Jussi Tiainen .

Sleepwalking (if the grass is grey green or brown or what)Anna Tuori, Sleepwalking (if the grass is grey green or brown or what), oil on canvas, 130 cm cm x 130 cm cm ,2022. Photo: Jussi Tiainen .